Themes - Skeleton


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  2. themes


The Skeleton theme system.

Skeleton themes utilize CSS custom propertiesto define core settings for your design system. Provided with a number of presets theme out of the box, as well as a powerful theme generator to create your own. Enable one or more and quickly switch on-demand.

Preset Themes

Skeleton is provided with high quality set of hand curated themes, as shown below.

Tap the theme preview above to copy the theme name to your clipboard. Then implement any desired theme in your app’s global stylesheet.

/* @import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton'; */
/* @import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton/optional/presets'; */
@import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton/themes/{theme-name}';

Make sure to replace {theme-name} with your desired theme names.

Custom Themes

Use our powerful Theme Generator app to create your own themes.

Theme Generator

  1. Open the Theme Generator and customize to your preference.
  2. Make sure to set a unique name for your theme.
  3. Tap the β€œcode” view from the menu at top-right corner.
  4. Tap the β€œcopy” button at the top of copy the theme contents.
  5. Paste the contents into a new file at your project root, such as my-theme-name.css (any name is fine).

Follow the step below to register any number of custom themes. Take care to match each theme’s file name.

Register Themes

You may register any number of themes by adding addition theme imports to your global stylesheet. Please note that each theme will slightly increase the final CSS bundle size.

/* @import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton'; */
/* @import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton/optional/presets'; */
/* Register Preset Themes */
@import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton/themes/cerberus';
@import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton/themes/mona';
@import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton/themes/vox';
/* Register a Custom Themes */
/* Note that we exclude the .css extension */
@import '@skeletonlabs/skeleton/themes/{my-theme-name}';

Activate a Theme

You may define the active theme using the data-theme attribute on your <html> element.

<html data-theme="cerberus">

TIP: If you wish to create a theme switcher, this is the value you should aim to modify.

Customize and Extend

Modify Properties

You can modify any theme property on demand using the following technique. Simply add this to your global stylesheet, following all Tailwind and Skeleton configuration. Use this to override preset theme properties.

[data-theme='cerberus'] {
--spacing: 0.22rem;
--radius-container: 0.375rem;
--heading-font-weight: bolder;

Target Themes

If your application supports multiple themes, you may isolate selection using the data-theme attribute. Just make sure to account for light and dark mode color values.

/** Target only Cerberus .h1 elements. */
[data-theme='cerberus'] .h1 {
color: red;
@variant dark {
color: green;
/** Target only Mona .h1 elements. */
[data-theme='mona'] .h1 {
color: blue;
@variant dark {
color: yellow;


Your app’s light and dark mode background color values can be adjusted using the following theme properties.

[data-theme='cerberus'] {
β€”body-background-color: 'pink';
β€”body-background-color-dark: 'green';

Background images are supported, including CSS mesh gradients. The following example adheres to theme colors.

[data-theme='cerberus'] {
radial-gradient(at 24% 25%, color-mix(in oklab, var(--color-primary-500) 30%, transparent) 0px, transparent 30%),
radial-gradient(at 35% 13%, color-mix(in oklab, var(--color-success-500) 18%, transparent) 0px, transparent 30%),
radial-gradient(at 100% 64%, color-mix(in oklab, var(--color-error-500) 3%, transparent) 0px, transparent 40%);
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;

We recommend Mesher for generating custom mesh gradients. This will generate colors using RGB, but can be migrated to utilize var() for colors and color-mix() for transparency, per the example above.

Mesher by CSS Hero

Custom Fonts

Skeleton recommends the use of Fontsource for installing and managing custom fonts.

Browse Fontsource

Install your font of choice.

Terminal window
npm install @fontsource/open-sans

Then import each font at the top of your global stylesheet, but below your Tailwind configuration.

import "@fontsource/open-sans";

Finally, use the following theme properties to set each respective font-family property. Note that for custom themes, these settings are can be defined directly within each respective theme file.

[data-theme='cerberus'] {
--heading-font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
--base-font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
--anchor-font-family: 'inherit';

Core API

For more information, please refer to the full Core API documentation.